Door-to-Door Dog Grooming - Mobile, Better, Trusted

Great Dog Grooming Comes with Great Care!

Canine Dental Health Tips
“Did you know that regularly brushing your dog's teeth and providing her with a healthy diet and plenty of chew toys can go a long way toward keeping her mouth healthy? Many pooches show signs of gum disease by the time they're four years old because they aren't provided with proper mouth care—and bad breath is often the first sign of a problem.
The following are signs that your dog may have a problem in his mouth or gastrointestinal system and should be checked by a veterinarian:
Bad Breath; Excessive Drooling; Inflamed Gums; Tumors in the Gums; Cysts Under the Tongue; Loose Teeth
Sniff your dog's breath. Not a field of lilies? That's okay—normal doggie-breath isn't particularly fresh-smelling. However, if his breath is especially offensive and is accompanied by a loss of appetite, vomiting or excessive drinking or urinating, it's a good idea to take your pooch to the vet.” ASPCA®

Matting - A Common but Potentially Serious Problem

That Doesn't Have to Be

​​​​Experts Say 1 In 4 Dogs May Suffer From Depression or Some Form of Depressed Mood. Some Symptoms:
1. Weight Loss; 2. Anger; 3. Clinginess; 4. Being Less Playful; 5. Increased Sleep; 6. Skin Irritations; 7. Strange Reactions; 8. Not Coming When Called; 9. Lack Of Interest In Life; 10. Lessened Appetite; 11. Destructiveness; 12. Lowered, limp tail 

What You Can Do To Help:

1. The first course of action should be a check-up by a veterinarian.
2. Natural or medicinal remedies may be needed.
3. Most dogs bounce back from depression within a few days to a few months with just a little extra TLC. Keep them engaged, do more of the things they like to do, get them a little more exercise.
4. Identify any major changes in the household or your dog’s life/routine.
5. If you have moved recently, it may take a while for your dog to get comfortable with his/her new environment. Try to help with that process.
6. Spend more time with your dog and/or get a new pet for your dog to have as a playmate (especially if a playmatehas been lost) or otherwise involve your dog with other dogs – i.e., a friend, neighbor or dog park.
7. Play more with your dog – get a new toy and play with your dog with it. Dogs crave attention, love and varied activities.
8. Get your dog properly groomed by a good caring groomer. Hair matting and other hygiene issues can actually become health issues and make dogs very uncomfortable, even causing serious skin or other problems and pain.

13 Things Your Dog Should Not Eat
Macadamia Nuts (Stomach Irritation, Toxicity)
Leeks, Onion & Garlic (Can Cause Anemia)
Dairy (Most Dogs are Lactose Intolerant)
Bacon (High Fat, Can Cause Pancreatitis)
Avocados (High Fat, Pit can be a Hazard)
Peaches & Plums (Pit Hazard)
Corn on the Cob (Intestinal Blockages)
Chocolate (Toxicity - vomiting, dehydration,
abdominal pain, muscle tremors, irregular
heart rhythm, high temperature, seizures & death)
Grapes & Raisins (Can Cause Kidney Failure)
Alcohol (Heightened Sensitivity, Toxicity)
Coffee (Stimulant, Heart, High Blood Pressure, Etc.)
Sugar Free Gum or Candy (Insulin Spikes, Liver Problems)
White Bread (Can Cause Pancreatitis)

Lack of Grooming and Inadequate Grooming Can Lead to Hair Matting, Causing a Painful and Unhealthy Mess.                                    

We specialize in and have a lot of experience with elderly dogs, dogs that have physical problems, limitations or handicaps - including blindness, deafness, standing or mobility issues, skin issues - and dogs with past trauma, anxiety, fear, defensiveness, who are grooming adverse, and/or who have other "special needs". 

We have groomed many dogs who have been deemed "un-groomable" or have been otherwise refused by other groomers. We count it a blessing to be able to help these owners and care for these pups!

These before and after pictures of an elderly lab we groomed on 12/22/21 clearly evidence the dramatic positive impact of proper grooming on a neglected coat. This transformation took some specialized products and additional steps to complete, but Shelby looked and felt much better afterward.

Good grooming is first about dog health and secondarily about cosmetic benefits. Improved appearance is an important benefit yes, but coat, skin and overall health and quality and enjoyment of life improvements much more so! 

An extremely matted, thick coat-like interwoven mass of hair was removed. Once off, it literally looked like a sheep skin rug or similar carpet of hair. Matting can cause problems beyond merely cosmetic, including skin problems that can become serious. Regular grooming virtually eliminates matting and helps greatly in keeping your pup not just looking good but feeling good too.

​​​Some Interesting Facts About Dogs
-Puppies can be adopted as early as 8 weeks of age. Until then, they should stay with their moms and littermates.
- About 1/3 of the dogs that are surrendered to animal shelters are purebred dogs.
- Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not sweat by salivating. They sweat through the pads of their feet....
- Dogs may not have as many taste buds as we do (they have about 1,700 on their tongues, while we humans have about 9,000), but that doesn't mean they're not discriminating eaters. They have over 200 million scent receptors in their noses (we have only 5 million) so it's important that their food smells good and tastes good.
-The most successful mountain rescue dog ever was a St Bernard named Barry, who lived during the early 1800’s and saved 40 lives.
- It was recently discovered that dogs do see in color, just not as vivid as we see.
- Greyhounds can reach a speed of up to 45 miles per hour.
- When a puppy is born, he is blind, deaf, and toothless.
- A dog's whiskers -- found on the muzzle, above the eyes and below the jaws -- are technically known as vibrissae. They are touch-sensitive hairs than actually sense minute changes in airflow.
- Dogs are capable of locating the source of a sound in 6/100ths of a second by using their swiveling ears like radar dishes.
MSPCA (Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)